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Peter Montfrooij

Viestejä: 10

« : Tammikuu 07, 2012, 23:08:11 »


Since my Finnish is not that well (actually I have forgotten most...), I will write this post in English.
Hopefully that is ok with you.

In 2002 I went to Jyväskylä for my study for half a year and in that time I made some footage of the railways around Jyväskylä.
Most of the shots are taken at Jyväskylä central stations, but I also made some shots at the line to Vaasa and the line to Helsinki.

There was a lot of activity at the central station with the Dv12 locomotive and many passenger trains passed by.
Because money was scarce those days (and DV tapes were expensive), I did not take any more footage than what is shown in the videoclip below.


Still it shows a lot of the railway activities around Jyväskylä and I was glad to have found it in my 'old tapes box'.

Pitää hauskaa

Peter Montfrooij (The Netherlands)
Tuukka Ryyppö

Viestejä: 3078

« Vastaus #1 : Tammikuu 07, 2012, 23:45:08 »

Dank je voor de videos en leuk, dat je vaunut.org gevindt hebt Hymyilee
Begrijp je fins goed genoeg, zodat het aantworden op fins mogelijk is, of is het beter, als wij op engels schrijfen?

Kiitos videosta ja hauskaa, että olet löytänyt vorkkiin Hymyilee
Ymmärrätkö suomea riittävän hyvin, että voimme vastata suomeksi, vai onko parempi jos kirjoitamme englanniksi?

Matkustaminen on kallista. Paitsi jos päättää olla maksamatta majoituksesta. Jee!
Peter Montfrooij

Viestejä: 10

« Vastaus #2 : Tammikuu 08, 2012, 21:59:38 »

You're welcome.
No, I don't understand much of your language. I tried to study it while I was in Jyväskylä, but I did not manage to get very good at it (and since all of my fellow students spoke English very well, I did not have the urgent need to practice a lot...).

So I can use Google translate to make the most of reading Finnish, or have to rely on you speaking English (or translated Dutch for that matter).

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