Tuossa ei kuvailla museoliikennettä mitenkään kovin positiiviseen sävyyn:
Another incident due to signal passed at danger occurred on 21 September 2013 when a heritage train departed without permit to pro-ceed. The heritage train was in motion for 10 minutes before contact was established with the driver and the train was stopped.
A number of incidents occurred in heritage traffic in 2012 and 2013, the most dangerous of which were two departures without permission to proceed and one unscheduled passenger stop. In the unscheduled passenger stop, passengers alighted from a heritage train and crossed the adjacent track just ahead of an Allegro train passing the site along that track at high speed. Further accidents and incidents in the past year include at least two cases of sig-nal passed at danger, derailment, unauthorised shunting, two level crossing accidents, colli-sion outside regular traffic operations and fires in steam locomotives.
According to a rough estimate, the number of deviations occurring in heritage traffic per train-kilometer is many times greater than in commercial rail traffic. Two heritage traffic operators clearly stand out in the rate of occurrence of deviations in heritage traffic, but the entire business should not be judged be-cause of problems with two individual operators.