Rautatiet ja harrastus  |  Kalusto  |  Aihe: Virolaiset tavaravaunut Suomessa?  |  << edellinen seuraava >>
Sivuja: [1] | Siirry alas Tulostusversio
Peter Beloch

Viestejä: 13

« : Joulukuu 07, 2014, 13:49:20 »

Hei  Hymyilee
Ajo tavaravaunut Viron rautateiden EVR Suomessa?
Ja rahti autot Transwaggon jotka ajavat Virossa? He myös tulevat Suomessa.

Kiitos vastauksista

// otsikkoa muokattu
« Viimeksi muokattu: Joulukuu 07, 2014, 19:06:36 kirjoittanut Olli Keski-Rahkonen » tallennettu
Peter Beloch

Viestejä: 13

« Vastaus #1 : Joulukuu 07, 2014, 13:50:05 »

Here my text in English, when my finnish is not good Surullinen

I have a question please.
Driving freight wagons from the Estonian Railways EVR in Finland?
And the freight cars Transwaggon, drive this in Estonia? They also come to Finland,too.
Thank you for answers
Tuukka Ryyppö

Viestejä: 3078

« Vastaus #2 : Joulukuu 07, 2014, 17:21:46 »

Estonian wagons are not registered according to the UIC standard but only according to the Soviet/Russian standard instead. Wagons not registered according to the UIC standard can not be used in Finland, except with a special permission. ...which one gets automatically for any wagon that is used for transporting goods from Finland to Russia or vice versa.
Many companies lease wagons for Finland-Russia-Finland -traffic from Estonian leasing companies and because of that a surprisingly large portion of Russian goods trains actually consist of Estonian-registered wagons. There are usually a row of Estonian grain wagons parked a bit westwards from the station of Lahti, for example.

There are not any Estonian goods wagons at all in Finnish domestic traffic, because Estonian UIC-registered good wagons don't currently exist. Also, there is no railway traffic between Finland and Estonia at all, not even through Russia. (Well, maybe there has been an exception once or twice in the last few decades, but mostly that's anyway true: No Estonian trains in Finland).
So, basically the rules with Russian wagons in Finland are about the same as they used to be in Germany before the platforms were widened. And the Berlin-Malmö night train wagons had the same thing, that they were only usable for international traffic, but a line consisting only of Berlin-Sassnitz without any ferry connection would not have been allowed with those wagons.

Matkustaminen on kallista. Paitsi jos päättää olla maksamatta majoituksesta. Jee!
Sivuja: [1] | Siirry ylös Tulostusversio 
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