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Sivuja: [1] | Siirry alas Tulostusversio
Stanislav Voronin

Viestejä: 31

« : Marraskuu 03, 2015, 15:45:01 »


Can anyone tell me the location of the narrow gauge track in Nuuksio?
Actually, I heard two versions of its story, and they sounds like two different railways:
a) private person built narrow gauge for fun.
b) Russian army was delivering wood logs to Hanko(?) from Nuuksio.

Any light on this?
« Viimeksi muokattu: Marraskuu 03, 2015, 17:43:09 kirjoittanut Stanislav Voronin » tallennettu
Petri Sallinen

Viestejä: 1196

« Vastaus #1 : Marraskuu 03, 2015, 23:05:52 »


Can anyone tell me the location of the narrow gauge track in Nuuksio?
Actually, I heard two versions of its story, and they sounds like two different railways:
a) private person built narrow gauge for fun.
b) Russian army was delivering wood logs to Hanko(?) from Nuuksio.

Any light on this?

Here is some information. The book named "Kapearaiteinen hevosrautatie ja ryssänhakkuut Espoossa 1915−1917" written by Seija Lohikoski will tell you whole the story but only in Finnish.

Reino Kalliomäki

Viestejä: 465

« Vastaus #2 : Marraskuu 04, 2015, 00:22:48 »

The Private persons railway might mean the LR, "Lahnuksen rautatie". "Pitäjänmäen rautatie" was one of three russian military field railways near Helsinki. The amount of timber felled was enormous, but mainly it went to all sites of the coastal military installations of the "Peter the Great Naval Fortress" of WW I. See book: "Fortress Railways of the Baltic Shores" by Mehis Helme (Plateway Press 1994). Some information is in bits and pieces also on this website, for example the typical russian field railway locomotive:   http://vaunut.org/kuva/97319?t=outokumpu   . Neither of these railways were in Nuuksio, but in that direction.
Jorma Rauhala

Viestejä: 834

« Vastaus #3 : Marraskuu 04, 2015, 09:20:28 »

Kysyjä tarkoittanee sitä pikkurataa, joka on tätänykyä Nuuksiossa. Ei noita historiallisia ratoja.

* 4d4e79ca-c69e-4928-b543-89cf6646fa99_l[1].jpg (171.32 kilotavua, 600x800 - tarkasteltu 899 kertaa.)
« Viimeksi muokattu: Marraskuu 04, 2015, 13:34:12 kirjoittanut Jorma Rauhala » tallennettu
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