05.09.2022 / Haukivuori

05.09.2022 Työkone on valmistelemassa tulevaa liikennekatkoa 6-7.9 väliseksi yöksi. Tarkoitus olisi vaihtaa pohjoispään vaihteen vaihdepölkkyjä.

Kuvan tiedot
Liikennepaikka: Haukivuori (Liikennepaikan tiedot)
Kuvaaja: Jari Ahokas
Lisätty: 05.09.2022 15:05
IC: 65
Muu tunniste
Rautatieinfra: Asemarakennus
Sekalaiset: Ilmakuva
Sijainti: Asemalla/Ratapihalla
Vuodenajat: Syksy


05.09.2022 23:33 Peter Verschelden: Does anybody know the railway registration and/or the road registration of the Doosan DX160w?
And who owns this machine?
06.09.2022 08:39 Jari Ahokas: The road registration is 400-IAI. Public information from Traficom: Registered (1st time in Finland) on Oct 6th 2011, VIN DWBHEDD0CB0050942, 5.9 l diesel engine, 99 kW, fuel tank capacity 280 l.

Edit: on side of the machine is a possible railway registration number 99109970102-1 and a company name JK Autoverstas Ky
06.09.2022 10:07 Peter Verschelden: Thank you for the requested information.
I have found that everywhere these machines are photographed but are mostly not very well documented.
Especially the railway registration is difficult to get from a photograph.
I do not know when these were introduced, but I am sure that before they were not very often visible form the outside.
In my opinion, all maintenance equipment is equally important as engines and waggons to keep the railways of the world operational.

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