15.07.2006 / Portsmouth, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
Nick Johnson

15.07.2006 Alpha company train alongside South West Trains at Portsmouth. South West trains run to London via Guildford or Brighton.

Kuvan tiedot
Kuvauspaikka: Portsmouth Valtio: Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta
Kuvaaja: Nick Johnson
Lisätty: 15.07.2006 00:00


15.07.2006 18:10 Tauno Hermola: Not so obvious outwards but the left one is a DMU (British Rail Engineering Limited) and the right one is an EMU (Siemens Deriro)
15.07.2006 18:24 Tauno Hermola: ... of course "Desiro"
15.07.2006 18:27 Ian Oliver: Yes, on the left is a class 158, which were built as a 2 car long distance express DMU. Now a number of them have been reformed into 3 car units by splitting some 2 car sets in half. The 158 is probably the best long distance DMU in the UK. Never travelled on a class 4 EMU yet...
15.07.2006 22:21 Teemu Lokka: btw. I saw one doc in discovery channel, about huge repairs lines in uk. If I recall right in the doc the repairs were lines north from london.
16.07.2006 00:35 Nick Johnson: theres been or going to be repairs to nearly every line in the UK at some time or other. cant remember the exact amount but billions of pounds are being used to repair station, lines etc etc throughout the whole uk. and also improve punctuality (maybe one day we'll be _close_ to Finnish ;)
16.07.2006 11:04 Teemu Lokka: try to beat japan in punctuality. =D

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