??.07.1987 / Pieksämäki asema

??.07.1987 Tavaravaunuja mm Kaksikuuppainen malmivaunu Omu ja Virkatarvevaunu XGo 0199157-​9 eli entinen Go 199157

Kuvan tiedot
Kuvaaja: Jorma Attila (Lisännyt: Museorautatieyhdistys Ry)
Lisätty: 24.10.2023 21:53


25.10.2023 09:46 Peter Verschelden: What is the ?03 number on the dome of the XGo 0199157-9 for?
25.10.2023 15:23 Esa J. Rintamäki: Dear Sir Peter,

In an ancient Finnish railroad modelling magazine "Junat" number 5 / 1989 is an article telling about very, very old twin-axle tank wagon, which is like a "rivet-counters" dream.

Article consists some story of same wagon as in picture above, XGo 0199'157-9. Article has three technical drawings too in different scales [O (1:45), HO (1:87) and N (1:160)]. The number 199,003 in dome and ends is XGo's old number, before being transferred to VR:s own use. It seems that old number had not been covered in a touch of paint-brush in the repair shop.

It is said, that these drawings was writer mr. Tapio Keränen's first attemp to use new computer-aided-drawing (CAD) system.

A rivet-counter is a person, who is always pointing even the slightest mistakes or errors in scale models. Very typically, rivet-counter has NEVER built any kind of models!

Those persons (usually male and lazy) should begin very personal and cheap hobby: farting loudly and then laugh for it (loudly, naturally).
29.10.2023 21:55 Peter Verschelden: Thank you for the first two paragraphs of your reply to my question.
I am going to get the Junat magazines from the storage to have a look at the article.
I have most of the issues of Junat, as I had a subscription since the start. Only the last issue I do not have,
as it was probably lost in the mail.

As far as I am concerned, the second part of your reply should not have been there at all.
Even without having seen the drawings, I think that doing anything in CAD for hobby purposes in 1989,
was very brave in a time that people had to take special courses to get an insight in the possibilities of the program.
It was a disappointment to see it.
30.10.2023 07:57 Esa J. Rintamäki: Dear Sir Peter,

If your storage hasn't all Junat - magazines, try rural library in Tikkurila, which too has these magazines in its storage.

Another possible place is National Library in Unioninkatu 36, Helsinki, which is a good place to make some investigations.

I personally would recommend both of these.

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