05.08.2014 / Haukivuori

05.08.2014 James Dean was walking at Haukivuori station. Kimmo Pyrhönen made trips from Haukivuori to Haapamäki. Eljas Pölhö was born in Haukivuori. But as this grass roots level picture proves, even aapee™ was there. Aapee came by bus and left by train. Nobody will ask my opinion about disbanding train stops at Haukivuori station. Still, here I would like to use the allegory of the stick and the carrot. Most people use their own car, even if it’s a bad choice for them and for others – by many indicators. Few people take the train to Haukivuori, but it’s not their fault that others use cars. Because public transport is a so much better choice for people and for the whole society, we should give the stick to motorists and the carrot to conscientious passengers of public transport. Now sticks and carrots go upside down.

Kuvan tiedot
Liikennepaikka: Haukivuori (Liikennepaikan tiedot)
IC: 66
Muu tunniste
Rautatieinfra: Asemarakennus, Makasiini
Sekalaiset: Junamatkustaminen, Matkustaja
Sijainti: Asemalla/Ratapihalla
Vuodenajat: Kesä


07.08.2014 23:28 [Tunnus poistettu]: Cool, even aapee™ :) It feels now like half of vorgers (?) have been there, but what about few years ago... ;)
07.08.2014 23:56 Jimi Lappalainen: When visitin' The Hill of Esox lucius, you must remember to bring a towel. There's a lovely beach where ppl can swim and relax. I forgot, so I did not do the "heitä talviturkki" trick.

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